African Safari Tours
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Over decades of travelling to Africa, our safari specialists have learnt a lot and would love to share their experiences with you. The African safari tours below are sample itineraries that can be customised according to your dates of travel, group size or even desired experiences.
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Price Range
Republic of Congo, Brazzaville (ROC) – Cameroon – Central African Republic – Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
• Wending along the mighty Congo River in a comfortable river boat;
• Meeting Queen Ngalifourou of the Téké Kingdom in her capacity as the spiritual guardian of the Batéké people;
• Visiting colonial landmarks from the time of the Savorgnan de Brazza and Stanley expeditions;
• Botanical explorations among the more than 1000 species of plants along the river;
• Meeting the Ba’aka or the forest people, one of the last remaining groups of hunters and gatherers on our planet;
• Searching for the Bouvier’s Red Colobus, until very recently thought to be extinct!
• Looking for wild lowland gorillas, bongo and forest elephants at Dzangha-Sangha;
• Forest walks & watching eles, buffalos and birds from Wali Baï;
• Exploring riverbanks at Lobeké NP in Cameroon;
• Visiting habituated wild bonobos at Mbou Mon Tour in DRC;
• Enjoying an evening of jazz and rumba with the Congo dandies themselves!
• Optional extension to Lesio-Louna, the gorilla sanctuary 2.5 hours from Brazzaville. You will see habituated gorillas from up close!
• Taking this river voyage to its natural conclusion with a few nights at Loango National Park in Gabon (optional extension).
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Our safari specialists have travelled the length and breadth of Africa over the last 35 years. We’d love to help plan your safari. Get in touch with us here »