“One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing, yet through the silence something throbs and gleams…” – Saint-Exupéry
Ennedi inspires every kind of art – really it does. From painting to sculpture to photography, from poetry to literature to dance, it really does. If you are one of the lucky ones to have had the great good fortune to have gazed upon its soaring sandstone cathedrals, its hidden grottos, its green gueltas and camel caravans, its mysterious and forbidding rock mazes and surreal cityscapes, its majestic dunes and fairy circles, its shifting sands, you will be marked forever. The pure beauty of the Sahara will touch you in strange ways, and like it or not, it will make some type of artist out of you.
Read Sangeeta’s trip report on SafariTalk: https://www.safaritalk.net/topic/20883-ennedi-the-lost-kingdom/
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